Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Very Late Easter Post:)

Okay, Okay, I know I am a major slacker. I am going to somewhat backtrack the last four months of our lives. Well, this post is about Kobe's Easter. He was so spoiled. The Easter Bunny must really love him, because he visited him four times. We spent Easter with the Moss Family. Great-Grandma Moss always throws a big Easter Egg Hunt where we each get a cute new shirt and lots of prizes and candy. We then had a BBQ at Grandpa and Grandma Moss's house where the Easter Bunny found Kobe again. When we arrived at our house from church the Easter Bunny had left Kobe a new spiderman fishing pole, clothes, toys, and treats. The next weekend we had Easter with the Goodwin Family. My sister, Candalyn, had a Indian Jones themed scavenger hunt. It was so much fun. We went all over Beaver searching for clues and found the hidden treasure at the warehouse just like the last Indiana Jones film. We spent the rest of the day playing games and having a Indiana Jones Movie Marathon. My nephew Mason loves Indiana Jones and it was a lot of fun watching how excited he was that day.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

8 Things About Me

Here are the Rules:
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six '8' items
3) Let each person know they're tagged by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. American Idol
2.The Biggest Looser
3. Any HGTV show
4. Baby Einstein (It seems like this is the only thing playing at our house).
5. Sorry we don't have TV at our house so I am usually doing other things than watching TV. I don't even know what the popular TV shows are anymore!

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Fixed Jared Breakfast
2. Cleaned our basement downstairs
3. Took Kobe for a walk
4. Laundry
5. Took a relaxing bath
6. Visited with our parents.
7. Grocery shopping.
8. My hott hubby took me to the movie.

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. Being able to take a nap
2. Jared getting home from work
3. Having my yard in and basement finished
4. My laundry magically washing and ironing itself
5. Go camping with Jared and the kids
6. Summer
7. Serving a mission with Jared
8. Growing old with my hubby.

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Maria's
2. Timberline
3. Olive Garden
4. Cafe Rio
5. Tom's Deli (St. George)
6. Texas Roadhouse
7. Applebee's
8. Carol Ann and DyAnn's homecooking (Honestly I would take their homecooking over a restaurant anyday. I hope one day I can cook as well as they do)!

8 Things on My Wishlist:
1. Lifetime of happiness.
2. More kids
3. No debt
4. A GMC Arcadia
5. To be able to travel the world with Jared
6. My house being fully decorated
7. My wallet to be full of $$$$$$$$$$ (It's a wishlist right?)
8. World peace

8 People I tag:
Please note if I don't tag you I either....a) don't think you'll do it orb) think you've already been tagged by someone else... don't be offended!

1. Mckensie
2. Kiesha
3. Kami
4. Candalyn
5. Hillary
6. Katie
7. Marci
8. Cindee and Mindee

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ringing In The New Year With A Bang

So what better way of ringing in the new year than by whipping out the old shotgun and 22s right. Jared had some old clay pigeons that he has been packing around for the last 2 years so we thought we better get rid of them. Chelsey showed us all up with her ability to shoot. I must admit I was shocked! Chels, way to show up the boys. Thanks Moss Family for the good time!

Christmas 2008 Recap

Man does time fly when you are having fun! We had a great Christmas Season with it being Kobe's first Christmas. It was a lot of fun to be able to enjoy our family and friends and also all of that yummy Christmas Food. To start out we had my friend, Mckensie, take some absolutely adorable family pictures. I just love this picture of "our little Santa!"
This year we were asked by our ward to portray Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus.What a neat experience for our little family. It definitely helped bring in the true meaning of Christmas as we were able to reflect on the Savior's birth. During the Christmas party, Kobe fell asleep and so we laid "our little baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes" in the manger. It brought me to tears to think about Mary and Joseph and their thoughts and feelings of their role in bringing in the Christ child. We also had the annual Osborn Reunion. It was fun to get together and visit and play games with the family. I must admit I have had my Christmas Tree up since before Thanksgiving, but I was just so excited for Christmas. Kobe loved the little train set that we had under the Christmas Tree.
This year we had Christmas at the Goodwin's house. We had a lot of fun spending time with all of our family. We played lots of games and ate yummy food.

We also loved to have Rock Band contests. Let me tell you the Goodwin Family really knows how to rock! Christmas morning we woke up to notice that Santa must have tipped over his sleigh! Kobe was extra good this year so Santa really splurged on him. He got a new jumper, a sing-along-stage, blocks, train, and clothes! Grandma and Grandpa Goodwin also gave him a new ride-a-long toy and clothes. Thanks Mom and Dad.

Kobe and Gracy enjoying Kobe's new train. I absolutely love this picture. I am so excited to watch them grow up together! After breakfast we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Moss's house. Kobe was given this adorable little rocking horse. His dad had one when he was little. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa. I know he will really get it going in the next month or two! Elder Justin Moss is currently serving in Chile so we were able to speak to him. He is such a strong missionary and great example to us. We really miss him, but we know he is doing great at being the lord's hands!
Thanks everyone for making Christmas so special. We really enjoyed spending time with all of our family. We love you guys!