Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Very Late Easter Post:)

Okay, Okay, I know I am a major slacker. I am going to somewhat backtrack the last four months of our lives. Well, this post is about Kobe's Easter. He was so spoiled. The Easter Bunny must really love him, because he visited him four times. We spent Easter with the Moss Family. Great-Grandma Moss always throws a big Easter Egg Hunt where we each get a cute new shirt and lots of prizes and candy. We then had a BBQ at Grandpa and Grandma Moss's house where the Easter Bunny found Kobe again. When we arrived at our house from church the Easter Bunny had left Kobe a new spiderman fishing pole, clothes, toys, and treats. The next weekend we had Easter with the Goodwin Family. My sister, Candalyn, had a Indian Jones themed scavenger hunt. It was so much fun. We went all over Beaver searching for clues and found the hidden treasure at the warehouse just like the last Indiana Jones film. We spent the rest of the day playing games and having a Indiana Jones Movie Marathon. My nephew Mason loves Indiana Jones and it was a lot of fun watching how excited he was that day.