Sunday, March 1, 2009

8 Things About Me

Here are the Rules:
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six '8' items
3) Let each person know they're tagged by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. American Idol
2.The Biggest Looser
3. Any HGTV show
4. Baby Einstein (It seems like this is the only thing playing at our house).
5. Sorry we don't have TV at our house so I am usually doing other things than watching TV. I don't even know what the popular TV shows are anymore!

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Fixed Jared Breakfast
2. Cleaned our basement downstairs
3. Took Kobe for a walk
4. Laundry
5. Took a relaxing bath
6. Visited with our parents.
7. Grocery shopping.
8. My hott hubby took me to the movie.

8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. Being able to take a nap
2. Jared getting home from work
3. Having my yard in and basement finished
4. My laundry magically washing and ironing itself
5. Go camping with Jared and the kids
6. Summer
7. Serving a mission with Jared
8. Growing old with my hubby.

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Maria's
2. Timberline
3. Olive Garden
4. Cafe Rio
5. Tom's Deli (St. George)
6. Texas Roadhouse
7. Applebee's
8. Carol Ann and DyAnn's homecooking (Honestly I would take their homecooking over a restaurant anyday. I hope one day I can cook as well as they do)!

8 Things on My Wishlist:
1. Lifetime of happiness.
2. More kids
3. No debt
4. A GMC Arcadia
5. To be able to travel the world with Jared
6. My house being fully decorated
7. My wallet to be full of $$$$$$$$$$ (It's a wishlist right?)
8. World peace

8 People I tag:
Please note if I don't tag you I either....a) don't think you'll do it orb) think you've already been tagged by someone else... don't be offended!

1. Mckensie
2. Kiesha
3. Kami
4. Candalyn
5. Hillary
6. Katie
7. Marci
8. Cindee and Mindee